
Overall vision
Associate reviews
Staff reviews
Coordination of space
Office: 225b EES Building
Phone: 814-863-7091
E-mail: smithwick@psu.edu
Whom do I call about:
- Proposal and Award Specialist - Shelly McCall
- EESI general budget - Angie Miller
- Director's calendar - Angie Miller
- HR appointments/visas - Angie Miller
- Event and Seminar Planning - Ava Lee
- Conference room scheduling - Ava Lee, Angie Miller
- ERS travel issues/inquiries - Angie Miller
- Procurement and purchasing card inquiries - Angie Miller
- EESI website/graphics - Bernd Haupt, Ava Lee
- Keys - Ava Lee
- IT support can be requested via the EMS IT helpdesk: helpdesk@ems.psu.edu
EESI Associates (tenure line)

Evan Pugh Professor of Geosciences,
Director of PSICE
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 517 Deike Building
Phone: 814-863-1700
E-mail: rba6@psu.edu

Professor of Geosciences,
Director of PSICE
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 513 Deike Building
Phone: 814-863-6742
E-mail: sxa17@psu.edu

Associate Professor of Geography
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 320 Walker Building
Phone: 814-865-9656
E-mail: jeb525@psu.edu

Professor of Energy Policy and Economics and International Affairs
Director of EEEPI, CELP
Center/Dept.: Energy and Mineral Engineering
Office: 115 Hosler Building
Phone: 814-863-7597
E-mail: blumsack@psu.edu

Atherton Professor and Evan Pugh University Professor Emerita of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 311 Hosler Building
Phone: 814-865-1619
E-mail: sxb7@psu.edu

Professor of Geography, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science,
Interim Director of ICDS
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 322 Walker Building
Phone: 814-863-0179
E-mail: cervone@psu.edu

Assistant Professor
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 204b Deike
Phone: n/a
E-mail: nmc6187@psu.edu

Professor of Atmospheric and Climate Science
Center/Dept.: Meteorology
Office: 512 Walker Building
Phone: 814-863-8601
E-mail: kjd10@meteo.psu.edu

Associate Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 340 Deike Building
Phone: 814-865-7388
E-mail: rad22@psu.edu

Dean Emeritus, College of EMS
Professor Emeritus, Geography
Director of ESSC
Center/Depart: Geography
Office: 318b EES Building
Phone: 814-863-3194
E-mail: billeasterling@psu.edu

Professor Emeritus of Meteorology,
Center/Dept.: Meteorology
Office: 509 Walker Building
Phone: 814-865-3240
E-mail: jle7@psu.edu

Professor of Climate Dynamics
Director of ES-MAD
Center/Dept.: Meteorology
Office: 507 Walker Building
Phone: 814-865-0710
E-mail: cef13@psu.edu

Assistant Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 212 Deike Building
Phone: n/a
E-mail: hadjimichael@psu.edu

Professor of Geosciences,
Director of PSGC, CPEST
Acting Department Head of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 218 EES Building
Phone: 814-865-8802
E-mail: chh10@psu.edu

Assistant Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 306 Deike Building
Phone: 814-865-6711
E-mail: rbh5532@psu.edu

Associate Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 511 Deike Building
Phone: 814-863-0633
E-mail: sji15@psu.edu

Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, Geography, and African Studies,
Director of AESEDA
Center/Dept.: Meteorology
Office: 510 Walker Building
Phone: 814-865-0479
E-mail: gsj1@psu.edu

Evan Pugh Professor Emeritus of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 435a Deike Building
Phone: 814-865-3207
E-mail: jfk4@psu.edu

Dean, College of EMS,
Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 116 Deike Building
Phone: 814-865-6546
E-mail: lrk4@psu.edu

Assistant Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 407 Deike Building
Phone: 814-865-6711
E-mail: kvlau@psu.edu

Assistant Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
Center/Dept.: Meteorology
Office: 505 Walker Building
Phone: 814-867-4750
E-mail: lfl5240@psu.edu

Assistant Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering
Center/Dept.: Energy and Mineral Engineering
Office: 112 Hosler Building
Phone: 814-865-6511
E-mail: obringer@psu.edu

Distinguished Professor of Geography,
Director of EESI,
Director of CLD,
Associate Director of IEE
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 323 Walker Building
Phone: 814-865-6693
E-mail: smithwick@psu.edu

Professor Emeritus of Geography,
Director of Vegetation Dynamics Lab
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 309 Walker Building
Phone: 814-865-1509
E-mail: aht1@psu.edu

Assistant Professor of Geography
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 302 Walker Building
Phone: 814-865-3343
E-mail: kbv5173@psu.edu

Assistant Professor of Geography
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 213 Walker Building
Phone: 814-865-3343
E-mail: skw5660@psu.edu

Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 537 Deike Building
Phone: 814-865-6721
E-mail: pwilf@psu.edu
EESI Associates (non-tenure line)

Assistant Research Professor
Center/Dept.: EESI/LIME
Office: 310 Hosler Building
Phone: n/a
E-mail: ema5148@psu.edu

Assistant Research Professor
Center/Dept.: EESI/Geosciences
Office: 218 Deike Building
Phone: 814-863-4426
E-mail: aab27@psu.edu

Assistant Research Professor
Center/Dept.: CEI
Office: 317d EES Building
Phone: 814-865-9905
E-mail: src176@psu.edu

Assistant Research Professor
Center/Dept.: EESI
221 EES Building
Phone: 814-865-0294
E-mail: brf11@psu.edu

System Administrator for Advanced Research Support
Associate Research Professor
2012 Altoona College Outstanding Lecturer
Center/Dept.: Dean's Office/EESI
Office: 317c EES Building
Phone: 814-865-8188
E-mail: bjhaupt@psu.edu

Assistant Research Professor of Earth and Environmental Systems & Philosophy
Center/Dept.: EESI
Office: 314 EES Building
Phone: 814-867-3830
E-mail: cmh455@psu.edu

Assistant Research Professor
PCHES Project Manager
Center/Dept.: PCHES
Office: 319b EES Building
Phone: 814-865-5007
E-mail: lui100@psu.edu

Assistant Research Professor
Center/Dept.: EESI/Geosciences
Office: 312 Hosler Building
Phone: 814-865-1981
E-mail: ljl8@psu.edu

Associate Research Professor,
Director of CLIMA,
Assistant Director of EESI
Center/Dept.: EESI/CLIMA/Meteorology
Office: 317g EES Building
Phone: 814-865-4484
E-mail: ren10@psu.edu

Assistant Research Professor
Center/Dept.: EESI/LIME
Office: 312 Hosler Building
Phone: 814-865-1981
E-mail: mlr263@psu.edu

Coastal Climate Extension Specialist
Center/Depart: EESI/MARISA
E-mail: klr324@psu.edu

Research Professor
Center/Dept.: EESI
Office: 222 EES Building
Phone: 814-865-2213
E-mail: tsw113@psu.edu

Assistant Research Professor
Center/Dept.: EESI
Office: 308 Hosler Building
Phone: 814-863-4823
E-mail: dxw43@psu.edu
EESI Postdoctoral Scholars

Postdoctoral Scholar
Supervisor: House
Center/Depart: EESI/PSGC
Office: 217b EES Building
E-mail: evb5586@psu.edu

Postdoctoral Scholar
Supervisor: Nicholas
Center/Depart: EESI
E-mail: cfc5786@psu.edu

Postdoctoral Scholar
Supervisor: Ivory
Center/Depart: EESI/Geosciences
Office: 342 Deike Building
Phone: 814-865-2622
E-mail: aid4@psu.edu

Postdoctoral Scholar
Supervisor: Nyblade
Center/Depart: EESI/MCOR
Phone: 814-865-4185
E-mail: scr5394@psu.edu
EESI Staff

Education Program Specialist
Center/Dept.: PSGC
Office: 218a EES Building
Phone: 814-863-7688
E-mail: jlf5778@psu.edu

Education Program Coordinator
Center/Dept.: PSGC
Office: 218 EES Building
Phone: 814-865-0365
E-mail: bkd5609@psu.edu

Event Planning Assistant
Center/Dept.: EESI
Office: 226b EES Building
Phone: 814-865-4504
E-mail: acl5573@psu.edu

Research Data Management Specialist
Center/Dept.: CLIMA
Office: 319c EES Building
Phone: 814-865-4600
E-mail: mdl5548@psu.edu

Grant Writer
Center/Dept.: EESI
Office: 225c EES Building
Phone: TBA
E-mail: akc123@psu.edu

Proposal and Award Generalist
Center/Dept.: EESI
Office: 226a EES Building
Phone: 814-867-0168
E-mail: maf37@psu.edu

Administrative Support Coordinator
Center/Dept.: EESI
Office: 225a EES Building
Phone: 814-863-6020
E-mail: adb214@psu.edu

Research Project Manager, Penn State Climate Consortium
Center/Dept.: EESI
Office: 224 EES Building
Phone: 814-863-1538
E-mail: saf164@psu.edu
EESI Environmental Scholars (Current Year)
A complete list of EESI's past and present Environmental Scholars and how to apply for funding can be found under Research/Funding/EESI Environmental Scholars.

Graduate Student
Department of Geosciences

Graduate Student
Department of Geography

Associate Professor of Geography
Center/Dept: Department of Geography
Office: 315 Walker Building
E-mail: tlb5964@psu.edu

Professor of Water Resources
Center/Dep't: Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
Office: 304 Forest Resources Building
E-mail: ewb100@psu.edu

Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 535 Deike Building
E-mail: tjb26@psu.edu

Distinguished Professor of Meteorology
Center/Dept.: Meteorology
Office: 504 Walker Building
E-mail: brune@meteo.psu.edu

Professor Emeritus of Geography
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 221 Walker Building
E-mail: crane@essc.psu.edu

Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Center/Dept.: EME
Office: 206 Hosler Building
E-mail: arash.dahi@psu.edu

Assistant Professor of Geography
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 315 Walker Building
E-mail: ind5050@psu.edu

Assistant Professor of Materials Science & Engineering
Center/Dept.: MATSE
Office: 333 Steidle Building
E-mail: nzd5349@psu.edu

Professor of Geography
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 312b Walker Building
E-mail: rd7@psu.edu

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Center/Dept.: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Office: 212 Sackett Building
E-mail: cxd11@psu.edu

Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 339 Deike Building
E-mail: msf17@psu.edu

Associate Research Professor
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 538 Deike Building
E-mail: mdf12@psu.edu

Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics and Public Policy
Center/Dept.: Ag Economics, Sociology, & Education
Office: 110 Ferguson Building
E-mail: kaf26@psu.edu

Associate Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 503 Deike Building
E-mail: bjf5382@psu.edu

Evan Pugh University Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 242 Deike Building
E-mail: khf4@psu.edu

Professor of Meteorology
Center/Dept.: Meteorology
Office: 508 Walker Building
E-mail: jdfuentes@psu.edu

Associate Professor of Industrial Health and Safety
Center/Dept.: Energy and Mineral Engineering
Office: 121 Hosler Building
E-mail: jmg64@psu.edu

Professor of Landscape Architecture, Geography, and African Studies
Center/Dept.: Arts and Architecture
Office: 122 Stuckeman Family Building
E-mail: ljg11@psu.edu

Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 534 Deike Building
E-mail: hajek@psu.edu

Professor of Meteorology
Center/Dept.: Meteorology
Office: 517 Walker Building
E-mail: harrington@meteo.psu.edu

Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 309 Deike Building
E-mail: pjh14@psu.edu

Professor of Production Systems and Modeling
Office: 116 ASI Building
E-mail: kxa15@psu.edu

Professor of Geography
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 312a Walker Building
E-mail: king@psu.edu

Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering
Center/Dept.: EME
Office: 213 Hosler Building
E-mail: ank1@psu.edu

Professor of Meteorology
Center/Dept.: Meteorology
Office: 524 Walker Building
E-mail: sl@meteo.psu.edu

Professor of Environmental Engineering
Center/Dept.: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Office: 221A Sackett Building
E-mail: lxl35@psu.edu

Associate Professor of Geography
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 202 Walker Building
E-mail: zhenlong@psu.edu

Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 210 Deike Building
E-mail: jlm80@psu.edu

Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering
Center/Dept.: Energy and Mineral Engineering
Office: 126 Hosler Building
E-mail: jpm10@psu.edu

Professor of Oceanography
Center/Dept.: Meteorology
Office: 522 Walker Building
E-mail: najjar@meteo.psu.edu

Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 503 Deike Building
E-mail: aan2@psu.edu

Assistant Professor of Geography
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 222 Walker Building
E-mail: mxo5332@psu.edu

Distinguished Professor of Metallurgy and Energy and Geo-environmental Engineering
Center/Dept.: Mat. Sci & Eng.
Office: 208 Steidle Building
E-mail: asare@matse.psu.edu

Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Penn State Dubois
Office: Smeal Building, Room 181
E-mail: mailto:brp106@psu.edu

Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Center/Dept.: IEE
Office: 219 Ag Engineering Building
E-mail: tlr20@psu.edu

Research Professor
Center/Dept.: Sustanibility Institute
Office: 216 Walker Building
E-mail: dhw110@psu.edu

Associate Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Center/Dept.: EME
Office: 202 Hosler Building
E-mail: jb8474@psu.edu

Assistant Professor of Geography
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 204 Walker Building
E-mail: mqy5198@psu.edu

Associate Professor of Geosciences
Center/Dept.: Geosciences
Office: 442 Deike Building
E-mail: cuw25@psu.edu

Professor of Geography
Center/Dept.: Geography
Office: 309 Walker Building
E-mail: ksz2@psu.edu
Academic Affiliates
- Viktor Balashov - Senior Scientist
- Raymond Fletcher - Senior Scientist
- Marina Lebedeva - Research Professor
- David Reusch - Associate Research Professor of Climatology
- Pete Sak - Professor of Earth Sciences