Mondays at 4:00 p.m. via Zoom

The spring 2022 EESI EarthTalks series, "Energy and Climate Policy, Part 2: Strategies for Getting to Net Zero," will focus on policies and technologies that could help slow down global warming and reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions. The series will be held in conjunction with EARTH 400, a course for students who wish to pursue these topics in greater depth.
The seminars, which are free and open to the public, take place from 4 – 5 p.m. on Mondays via Zoom.
Date | Speaker | Presentation |
Jan. 10 | Michael Mann Penn State |
"Reflections on the Glasgow climate summit: Where do we go from here?" Watch the seminar |
Jan. 24 | Erica Smithwick Penn State |
"Why we need to change the climate narrative: takeaways from COP26" Watch the seminar |
Jan. 31 | Tom Richard Penn State |
"Strategies and policies for a carbon-negative bioeconomy" Watch the seminar |
Feb. 7 | William Brune Penn State |
"The ozone story: A model suggesting strategies for getting to net zero?" Watch the seminar |
Feb. 14 | Richard Alley Penn State |
"Valuing uncertainty: Reducing CO2 and studying climate may both be much more beneficial than generally reported" Watch the seminar |
Feb. 21 | William Walters Penn State |
"Advanced nuclear reactors and their role in combating climate change" Watch the seminar |
Feb. 28 | Seth Blumsack Penn State |
"Using the grid to go beyond the grid: Clean electricity is the means, not the end, to a decarbonized economy" Watch the seminar |
March 14 | Chris Forest Penn State |
"Getting to Net-Zero and Beyond: What are the stakes? && What will it take?" Watch the seminar |
March 21 | Sylvia Neely | "Pricing Carbon: The Promise and the Problem" Watch the seminar |
March 28 | Adam Sobel Columbia University |
"Social responsibility of a climate scientist" Watch the seminar |
April 4 | Chris Rahn Penn State |
"Energy storage: A key enabler for getting to Net Zero" Watch the seminar |
April 11 | Gernot Wagner NYU |
"Green moral hazards" Watch the seminar |
April 18 | Bruce Logan Penn State |
"Policy, people, and infrastructure momentum" Watch the seminar |
Organizing Committee Members:
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