Fridays at 12:15-1:15 p.m. in 217 Forest Resources Building (*unless otherwise noted)
Talks will not be web broadcasted but will be archived and available to view at a later date via adobe connect.
Date | Speaker | Presentation |
Jan 18 | Tony Buda U.S. Department of Agriculture Penn State University |
"Hydrologic and Water Quality Research in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed" |
Jan 25 | Chaopeng Shen Assistant Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Penn State University |
"Integrating Water, Carbon and Nitrogen: Evaluating the Coupling Strengths and Mutual Influences Using a Process-Based Surface-Subsurface Model" |
Feb 1 | Seth Blumsack Assistant Professor, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, Penn State University |
"Electricity Market Participation, Ecosystem Services and Downstream Flow Regime for Hydroelectric Power Plants" |
Feb 8 | Chris Duffy Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Penn State University |
"The Terrestrial Water Cycle and Sustainable Services" |
Feb 15 | Robert Brooks Professor, Department of Geography Penn State University |
"Mid-Atlantic Freshwater Wetlands: Using Science to Inform Policy and Practice" |
Saturday Feb 23 9:00-5:00 101 Thomas Building |
Sybil Seitzinger, Executive Director, International Geosphere Biosphere Program, Stockholm, Sweden Richard Alley, Department of Geosciences, Penn State, Jenni Evans, Department of Meteorology, Penn State, Klaus Keller, Department of Geosciences, Penn State, and others, Penn State University |
Penn State Carbon Earth Conference" |
March 1 | Benjamin Ruddell Assistant Professor Arizona State University |
"Ecohydrology as a Complex System: Information Theory and Network Applications to Critical Zone Observatories and Models" |
March 15 | Brian McGlynn Professor Duke University |
"Moving From Field Observatories and Models" |
March 22 | Zach Easton Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist Virginia Tech |
"Validating Watershed Simulation Models Using Empirical and Fundamental Knowledge of Hydrological Processes" |
Wednesday March 27 11:15 am 112 Forest Resources Building |
David Rudolph Professor, University of Waterloo and 2013 Darcy Lecturer of the National Ground Water Association Reception to follow talk |
"Managing Groundwater Beneath the Agricultural Landscape" |
April 5 | Michael Celia Professor, Princeton University and Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science |
"Model Complexity and Multi-scale Models for CO2 Injection, Migration, and Leakage" |
April 12 | Diane McKnight Professor, University of Colorado, and member, National Academy of Engineering |
"Climate Change and Water Quality in the Rocky Mountains: Approaches for Adapting to Too Much Summer" |
April 19 | Alfonso Meija Assistant Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Penn State University |
"Hydrological Complexity at the Edge of Cities" |
Monday April 22 4:00 p.m. HUB-Robeson Center Auditorium |
Christopher Joyce NPR |
"Scientists and Journalists: Codependents in the Age of Disappearing Media" |
April 26 | Reception for Penn State Water Folks (Time and location to be announced) |
Meet up with your water colleagues and celebrate the end of the semester! |
Co-sponsored by the Earth & Environmental Systems Institute and Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment