Mondays at 4:00 pm in 112 Walker Building
Earth Talks: Exploring the Oceans seminar series is being developed to engage the Penn State community in marine research. Marine research is a highly interdisciplinary field that spans the wide breadth of Penn State's departments, colleges, and institutes. This seminar series is sponsored by EESI and PSIEE in conjunction with the Center for Marine Science and Technology. Typical seminar format will be two 20-min talks each week, except in the cases where invited speakers from off-campus will present a 45-min presentation. The presentation slots are open to all Penn State faculty, researchers, and graduate students conducting research in the marine environment. Our hope is to schedule 2 different ocean topics within each seminar to attract those with diverse interests to listen, learn, and network. The seminar will cover topics from coastal to deep water environments, ocean technology, and ocean modelling.
Date | Speaker | Presentation |
Sept 22 | Anthony Lyons Penn State University |
Acoustic Imaging of breaking internal waves |
Sept 22 | Jen Miksis-Olds and Iliana Baums Penn State University |
C-MaST overview |
Sept 29 | Andrew Thurber Oregon State University |
Ocean Conservation |
Oct 6 | John Parkinson Penn State University |
Coral Symbiosis |
Oct 6 | Raymond Najjar Penn State University |
Impact of nitrogen deposition on coastal waters |
Oct 13 | Lee Kump Penn State University |
Ocean anoxia |
Oct 13 | Kate Freeman Penn State University |
Biomarkers and past oceans |
Oct 20 | Monica Medina Penn State University |
Symbiosis |
Oct 20 | Qian Li Penn State University |
The Role of Eddy Momentum Flux on Jets in the Southern Ocean |
Oct 27 | Justin Schulte Penn State University |
Historical Impacts of Climate Modes on the Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay, and Hudson River Estuaries |
Oct 27 | Chris Forest Penn State University |
Understanding the role of ocean heat content change in estimating climate sensitivity |
Nov 3 | Sara Lincoln Penn State University |
The sedimentary record of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill |
Nov 3 | Chuck Fisher Penn State University |
The deep water coral record of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill |
Nov 10 | Ying Cui Penn State University |
Ocean acidification during the end-Permian mass extinction |
Nov 10 | Maria Herrmann Penn State University |
Organic carbon budget of U.S. east coast estuaries |
Nov 17 | Todd LaJeunesse Penn State University |
Reef coral acclimatization to climate change |
Nov 17 | Tim White Penn State University |
Multidecadal Record of δ18O coral Variation and the Relationship to Sun Spot Cycles |
Dec 1 | Klaus Keller Penn State University |
Characterizing the uncertainty surrounding sea-level rise projections to inform decision making |
Dec 1 | Daniel Tomaso, Raymond Najjar Penn State University |
Seasonal and Interannual Variations in the Dissolved Oxygen Budget of an Urbanized Tidal River: The Upper Delaware Estuary |
Organizing Committee Members:
Jenn Miksis-Olds, Ray Najjar
Co-sponsored by the Earth & Environmental Systems Institute and Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment