Michael Mann, one of 50 most influential people
September 2013
Bloomberg Markets named Mann one of the "50 Most Influential" people
Penn State climate expert Michael Mann is among the top thinkers of the day, according to the annual list from Bloomberg.
Bloomberg Markets named Mann one of the "50 Most Influential" people on the magazine’s third annual list of thinkers, policy makers, bankers, corporate power brokers and money managers. The list will be published in the October issue of Bloomberg Markets. (Read article)
The article notes that Mann and his colleagues "are the climate scientists who brought the world the so-called hockey stick graph, showing a sharp rise in global temperatures in the last century. He responds to climate change deniers on his RealClimate blog."
Mann is a distinguished professor of meteorology, director of the Earth System Science Center and a faculty member in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences' Earth and Environmental Systems Institute. Among his better known works are the books Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming (2008) and The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines (2012).